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Easy Photography Marketing Ideas For Your Business

Photography marketing is one of the most challenging aspects of a profitable photography business. A lot of photographers make the mistake of letting their marketing slip when they are busy. When things slow down, they find that customers are no longer coming through the door.

Here are six easy photography marketing ideas to help you elevate your business profile.

Identify Your Target Market for Personalised Marketing Campaigns.

The first thing that you need to do before you get started with photography marketing is to identify your niche. You may already know that you are a food photographer, not a family portrait photographer. But getting even more specific will help you go after your target market. Food is a very wide niche. It includes restaurants, farmers, advertising agencies and packaging for products. It may seem counter-intuitive. But choosing a couple of areas to focus on is likely to speed up the growth of your client list.

Different niches also mean different skill sets.

If you shoot outdoors in natural light, you will face some challenges. If you’re a still life photographer working in a studio with a three-light set up? You’ll have different ones.

Stick to what you are passionate about shooting. And focus on the marketing efforts that make the most sense for your business. Don’t try to do everything. It won’t work. For example, imagine that you are a wedding photographer. Create alliances with other vendors that cater to brides. That’s a smart marketing tactic that will pay off in referrals.

Build a Customer Database to Keep Track of Projects.

Once you have identified your target market, start building a client database. This way you’ll keep track of all your prospects and projects.

An organised database is crucial!!

You can input your research about your ideal client. And information about your past and current clients. You can also make note of potential co-marketing partners, or charitable partners. A database will allow you to build a pipeline to track your clients. From initial lead trough to your last contact. When times are slow, it gives you a place to turn to for more business.

If you have regular clients that you have not seen in a while, a database can be a good reminder. Send them a personalised follow-up or let them know about a holiday promotion.

There are a variety of databases/CRM software that you can sign up for. These will allow you to keep track of your expenses. You can also write contracts and send them out for signature. Or you can create questionnaires. You can even sync them with other apps, like Google Calendar. Write a WordPress Blog to Put Your Name Out There. One of the best ways to put your name out there is to write a self-hosted blog on WordPress.

Many photographers feel that writing is not their strong suit. But it’s still worthwhile to have a blog and a regular posting schedule. You don’t need to write much. A paragraph with lots of pictures works great. You can describe the session and the experience had by you or the client.

If you shoot commercial work, you can post some behind-the-scenes shots. And talk about your process. You can even write an educational photography blog aimed at beginners. When you write your blog posts, make sure you give your readers information they would like to know. If you are a wedding photographer, write about that. An idea could be tips about how to hire the best photographer for that special day.

A portrait photographer can write about what to wear to a session and how to prepare for it. A blog helps position you as an expert in your industry, which is very beneficial to you and your business. A WordPress blog in particular also increases your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). Your site will come up higher in Google rankings.

When I started my website, I went from page six in a Google search, to page one in four months. This happened because I was writing my blog in a consistent manner. And I was providing what my target market wanted to read. Potential clients often contact a few professional photographers on page one of their search. Writing a WordPress blog will help put you there.

Start an Email List to Stay in Touch With Your Audience.

There is a lot of talk these days about the importance of having an email list, no matter what kind of business you run. Social media channels like Instagram and Facebook are crucial to growing your audience. But you don’t “own” them. This means that they can change their algorithms at any time. And it can happen in a way that has a negative impact on your business. You are also at the mercy of other random decisions these companies might make.

For example, Instagram can ban you for using the same hashtags too much. This can be disastrous if you count on the app as the main way to get eyeballs on your work. But your email list is your own and you can do with it what you please.

It is a personal way to stay in touch with your audience. And a platform you can use for some of your other marketing efforts. You can run a giveaway or send out your latest blog post via an RSS feed. When you are deciding on an email provider, look for one that will allow you to build a funnel.

Once the subscriber signs up, they should go through a series of emails that will help build trust. This will make them more likely to buy products and services from you. Consistency in the timing and regularity of your emails is key. It doesn’t bode well for your business if a potential clients signs up for your list. And then hears crickets for two months.

Create a Referral Program to Get New Clients.

One of the best ways to get new clients is through referral. In fact, referrals are one way your business can experience unprecedented growth. When you give someone a gift for referring your services, it gives them an incentive to do so. You can do this in a variety of ways. You can give then a discount on their next session or buy them a gift card for a spa or a nice restaurant. A referral program will let customers know what they will get for recommending you. It’s a small investment that can pay off in dividends.

Also, don’t forget to thank friends and family. They spread the word about your business and bring you new clients.

They can be your biggest sources of referral!

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