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Month: March 2023

Why when selling online it is so important to have an up to date Ecommerce website!

Over the past decade, consumers constantly change the way they want to shop and merchants are trying to keep up. Shoppers fluidly search, compare, and buy from online sites, marketplaces, mobile apps, physical stores, and social sites. As innovative technology aids their journey, consumers are looking for remarkable experiences across these digital and physical touchpoints with brands.

Easy Photography Marketing Ideas For Your Business

Photography marketing is one of the most challenging aspects of a profitable photography business. A lot of photographers make the mistake of letting their marketing slip when they are busy. When things slow down, they find that customers are no longer coming through the door. Here are six easy photography marketing ideas to help you elevate your business profile.

The Ultimate Guide To Video Content Marketing For Increased Engagement

Video marketing is not what it used to be a few years ago. Today, it has gone to become lot more serious, and much more effective, especially for businesses that have already managed to build an audience. A large number of small businesses are taking advantage of video content marketing to stand out from the competition in order to achieve their goals. Why video? Because it works. And it will keep working!

Goodbye to ‘freshness’ as Google reworks news algorithm!

Google has announced that it will be changing its new algorithm to promote “original reporting” of the news and other social media platforms. It sounds obvious and like something Google should have always done. But it’s actually a much bigger deal than that. Though, Not everyone is sure if it’s a good idea or not. Previously Google’s algorithm favoured serving its users with fresher news articles. The thinking behind this was logical – as news stories develop, Google News would promote newer article, because they were more likely to contain the most up-to-date version of events.

Windows Defender anti-malware glitch breaks file scanning on Windows 10, Windows 7

A recent update to Windows Defender and Microsoft Security Essentials is causing widespread problems for Windows users trying to scan systems for malicious files. The glitch in Microsoft’s anti-malware is being reported by Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 users. As per tech blog Born city, the file scanning issues emerged after Microsoft released an update to the Microsoft Malware Protection Engine (Ms,Mp,Eng.exe) on September 16 that brought it up to version 4.18.1908.7.

Why when running a business, having a website is so important!

Living in the digital world, a website is now a necessity for a business, big or small. If you have a business and don’t have a website, you are probably losing a number of great opportunities for your business. A website itself can be used to accomplish many different marketing strategies to help your business grow. The web has a far wider reach than any other form of advertising. While it takes time to build up enough traffic to your website to make a worthwhile impact on your company`s marketing campaign, it costs next to nothing to do so.

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